Friday, November 15, 2013

At Home in the City

Friday, August 30, 2013

Facing mom's worst kitchen nightmares

How to overcome the fear of cooking

Hey, mommies! If I ask you to name a few cooking fears, what would be on your list? 

Would it contain a handful of common ones such as the fear of making someone sick, fear of overcooking, fear of spoilage, or fear of recipes? Would it also count in your simple worry of getting cut or burnt while cooking? (Point-black, same fears would appear on my list if I am to make one too!)
Photo source:
Well, cheer up moms! Neither of these little phobias would make us pay regular visits to a psychiatrist’s couch nor would cause us to frequent a weekend workshop full of holding hands, singing “Kumbayah”. For all that, what these kitchen nightmares can actually do is prevent us from being better cooks than we are already.

The fear of cooking, clinically dubbed as mageirocophobia, is extremely common according to the Medical Review Board. It's a condition that can take many forms and is correlated with the possible outcomes of the cooking process. While these fears are considered simple and run-of-the-mill, they can get severe enough to interfere with one's daily life. As mothers, we don't want that to happen, do we? 

Just the same, if this fear of cooking always get in the way making us, the home meal planners, feel uncomfortable in the kitchen, how can we cook for our families?

Chef Marie Gonzalez, owner and chief vegetable whisperer of Kitchen Revolution, gives us a slew of recommendations that might help us face our worst kitchen nightmares and overcome them.

(1) Fear of causing illness
This is noted as the most common cooking phobia of all. It roots from the basic creeps of contamination, spoilage, and/or undercooking. In reality, there are number of possible foodborne illnesses which can be acquired by anyone—even our kids at home. This fact adduces why we must understand the reasoning behind many “food rules”. 

“Foodwise, a mother should follow proper sanitation practices—more so if her kitchen handles meat,” Chef Marie explains. “Raw meat is a breading ground of bacteria,” she points out. 

How to face the fear:
  • Designate one chopping board for meat which should never be used to cut veggies and fruits.
  • After using it, always wash with soap and diluted bleach to kill bacteria
  • Disinfect kitchen surfaces with 1 capful of bleach in 1 liter of water
  • Keep raw meat and seafood away from cooked food in the ref or freezer
  • Don't leave out raw meat and seafood more than 4 hours in room temperature
  • Rule of thumb: keep cooked food in the refrigerator only up to 5 days

(2) Fear of serving inedible food
It is true, mothers as cooks are quite overwhelmed by seasoning options. This is why, we, on occasion, fail to trust our own abilities to mix flavors and nail down the best choices for each dish. 

Chef Marie clarifies that inedible foods are those which are bland or extremely sweet, salty, bitter, or spicy.

How to face the fear:
  • Always taste the food as you prepare or cook it
  • For savory food, add a pinch of salt every time you add an ingredient to the pot
  • For baked desserts, follow the recipe to a T. Add salt or sugar sparingly so adjustments can be made easily
  • Learn what particular ingredients are bitter and use sparingly. (For example, kids won’t eat ampalaya greens so don’t serve it to them. If they can’t handle spice, don’t sprinkle in cayenne pepper at all)
  • If something’s bland, add a pinch of salt, sugar, or citrus / vinegar. Too sweet, salty, or spicy? Dilute with water

(3) Fear of presentation
Let's face it, some of us are perfectionists even in the kitchen. We get bothered by presentation concerns such as how the food looks! Experts say “this phobia seems to be triggered most often when giving a dinner party or otherwise entertaining at home”.

“Colorful food is a sure fire way of a good presentation,” Chef Marie reveals.

How to face the fear:
  • Make sure the food you cook has plenty of color: red from tomatoes and bell peppers, orange from squash and carrots, yellow from potatoes and camote, green from leafy greens and string beans, purple from eggplant and onions, white / brown from singkamas and brown rice
  • Trust your creativity in terms of serving meals for friends and even for close family

(4) Fear of the cooking process
Most of us have this kind of phobia. We worry about getting ourselves cut or burnt, or having other difficulties with the process. We are even afraid of techniques that we don't fully understand, from blanching to poaching, which hinder us from cooking other savory meals for the family. 

Chef Marie notes that “if a cooking process seems daunting, Google or Youtube it!”

How to face the fear:
  • Watch cooking shows 
  • Follow recipes carefully
  • Understand that the process involves great effort (even if it'll cause you a cut)

(5) Fear of recipes
Seemingly complicated recipes can be intimidating. That's why at times, we question our ability to perform all of the steps or fret that we might miss one.

“A recipe is a guide to help you successfully cook or bake a dish. Think of it as a way to avoid disaster in the kitchen,” suggests Chef Marie.

How to face the fear:
  • Note that a recipe is a great way to expand your cooking horizons
  • Also, consider it as your bestfriend in the kitchen so next time you have a fridge of leftover produce without a clue of what to cook, it can give you an idea how you can whip up something fantastic

“The families that eat at home together, stay healthy together,” Chef Marie believes. So if we, moms, want our kids to build good eating habits, we must avoid fast food joints and just cook and eat at home. 

We must not let our kitchen nightmares overturn our dream of keeping our family in the pink of health. So, whip up only the healthful and yummy dishes for the whole family!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Activate your creative juices, moms!

(Create perky souvenirs for your kid's upcoming party!)

If you have the time, the resources, and the guts to actually do it, why not? Besides, creating something with your hands and seeing people delight over it is always a satisfying feeling.

So moms, for your little one's upcoming party why not make the favors yourself? Everyone—your guests, hubby, and especially your kid, will treasure it even more because it's made with a very special element..LOVE!
Sample of a unique, personalized, and crafty favor by Sweet Lil Soles
Creating your kid's party favor is a labor of love, so it's more appreciated,” said Rhea Diputado, a momprenuer who owns Sweet Lil Soles, an online shop of handmade paper shoe favors and crafty giveaways.

An art lover who sees the value of delightful favors in any occasion, mommy Rhea shared with Baby on Board some tips on creating DIY souvenirs for the little one's party. So, read on and let your creative juices flow!

  • Know it's value
A party favor or souvenir, for others, may always come in last in their “things to buy” list for their kid's baptismal celebration or birthday party. In the end, due to time constraints and inefficient budget allocations, they are left with mediocre ones that are dull and very ordinary.

Practically speaking, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that, of course, as a mother it's best NOT to settle for anything LESS when it comes to your child.

Therefore, take note that the party favor is as important as the party invitation. It's your way of saying the sweetest “thank you's” to all those who joined in the celebration. Accordingly, it's apt and best to provide them with a keepsake that they can treasure for the years to come and that will properly reflect the joy of the occasion.
  • Welcome crafty concepts
When you make your own souvenir, you have the power to do everything you want depending on how far your imagination can stretch. So, just let it loose! ALLOW yourself to entertain the craftiest ideas you can think of and make them real!

As what mommy Rhea clarified, DIY party favor “works out one's creative juices”. Consequently, don't be afraid to think outside the box. Remember, now that you know the value of giveaways, the more unique and creative they are, the BETTER!
  • Make it personal
One thing that sets DIY souvenirs apart from those which can be bought from a party shop is that there's a PESONALIZED feel to it.

When you make your own souvenir, there are so many possibilities in terms of design and how you can really personalize it for your party,” mommy Rhea explained.

You can use your kid's favorite color, his cartoon character of choice, or you can even add his latest picture in the giveaway. You can also use different kinds of material like recyclable small bottles or native baskets rather than simple art papers.

Moreover, if you love to bake or create sweets, why not add a delish treat to your favor? Say a cookie or yema just like what Sweet Lil Soles offers.

Sweet Lil Soles sells party favors that can go with different fillings like chocolates, mini cookies, gummies, and pastillas (which is mommy Rhea's specialty).
  • Get ideas
In making your own party favors, mommy Rhea said it isn't something that requires you to undergo a thorough training.

The internet is a very useful tool,” she shared. So make use of it. It'll give you various ideas and themes that can go well with your kid's party needs.

Mommy Rhea revealed that it's also where she got the idea to start an online shop of crafty favors.
Mommy Rhea loving her new role as housewife and momprenuer
I did a lot of research on the internet and racked my brain to come up with something. And then I saw these cute paper shoes. It was a light bulb moment! It seemed like it was something I can make and sell. Then, ideas flooded my brain,” she recalled.

Apparently, the internet is a great source of CREATIVE ideas. What more, if you haven't done DIY favors before, you can watch tutorials online.
  • Do it with kids
Mommy Rhea admitted that making DIY party favors “can serve as BONDING activity with your kids if you do it with them”.

So, if time permits, do it with your kids! It will also be a training ground for them and will let their artistic skills be honed.
  • Be inspired
Most importantly, remember that in creating DIY favors, it's best to be INSPIRED—as inspiration can be a “foundation for motivation”. Thus, it'll help you get everything done!
After reading this article, do you think you're now ready to create souvenirs for your kid's party? Well then, why not try these three links to some tutorial online which mommy Rhea shared, and find out?!

Baby girl shoe favor

Cake slice boxes

Bag favor box

Materials can be easily bought from national bookstore or any school supplies shop:
  1. Board paper 180-220 gsm – colors that would match your party theme
  2. Elmer’s glue
  3. Pair of scissors
  4. Template from the internet
  1. Get the template from the internet or watch an online tutorial
  2. Cut, assemble, glue the template as instructed
  3. Design, embellish according to your theme

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Is there such thing as a cheat-proof relationship?

No Other Woman. The Mistress. A Secret Affair. My Neighbor's Wife. Love and Lies. And the list goes on.

You've seen them. May be not all; but, at least one which—admit or not, you were entertained and “moved” by the story. Whether you're on the side of the “original” or innocent party (because unfortunately you could relate to such situation) or you speak for the kabit, the point is you enjoyed the movie.

Then again, if you're going to think about it, why do film producers nowadays come up with such kind of spectacle? Is this some kind of a reflection of how things really are in real life?
photo source:

If that's what this is...the reason why they make's both shameful and heartbreaking. :(

For the nth time: relationships don't last if both parties don't "work" for it to create a long lasting one. That's why it's a shame that many couple experiece rough times, finding the other cheating, which may entail that they're NOT “working” hard to save what they have.

Happy I came across this article online by Lisa Murphy. I think this is very helpful to keep relationships intact, and cheating-free!

Read on and learn the ways how to cheat-proof your relationship:

1. Touch each other
“Touch your partner non-sexually every day—it raises levels of oxytocin, the bonding hormone,” says Trina Read, a sexologist in Calgary and author of Till Sex Do Us Part: Make Your Married Sex Irresistible. That’s what Elizabeth in Toronto* and her partner do. “We always give each other little smooches on the lips and cheek or touch when we pass one another at a party.”

2. Make time to talk—and rock
“It’s important to make fun time together as a couple a priority,” says Beth Mares, a Toronto psychotherapist. But it can be equally crucial to chat regularly—weekly works for some couples—about managing your home, parenting and how the relationship is going, she says. Otherwise, our busy lives can allow unresolved conflicts to grow. “Every night, while lying in bed, we talk about our days,” says Siobhan in Dartmouth, N.S.* “It’s vanilla, but we’ve been happily together for 16 years, so we must be doing something right!” (Just don’t combine your problem-solving meeting with date night—resolving problems is no aphrodisiac.)

3. Use kindness, not curtness
It sounds obvious, but feeling unappreciated or put down can make a person open to cheating or an emotional affair, say our experts. A sincere compliment or a thoughtful gesture that really speaks to your partner’s interests—a ticket to a hockey game rather than chocolates or flowers, for example—can go a long way. (And will hopefully be reciprocated!) Likewise, be careful about being overly critical, save major criticisms or any issues your partner is sensitive about for a sit-down discussion. “There needs to be a rule that you don’t raise dissatisfactions at times when you can’t do anything about it—at bedtime or before work,” suggests Mares. Otherwise they can’t be resolved and will fester. “Sarcasm and mean-spirited jokes often have a grain of truth to them,” agrees Naomi*, explaining why she and her husband avoid put-downs, even in jest. Consider professional help if deep conflicts continue, however.

4. Reinvent your sex life
This isn’t about taking pole-dancing lessons (unless you want to), but something perhaps even braver: creating the sex life you want. “People invest no time—they have sex for 16 minutes every couple of weeks and expect miraculous things,” says Read. Connected, intimate sex means asking for what you want and moving beyond intercourse-only thinking, she says. Maybe you can just have a bath together or exchange foot rubs. (That’s what Louise in Oakville* says: “We give each other almost nightly foot rubs or back massages.”) Or, maybe you can talk about sex toys. What are important are physical closeness, open dialogue and investing time in your sex life. For a kick start, Read recommends having sex together every day for seven days. “You’ll be surprised by the results!” she says.

5. Think about why you love your partner (or don’t)
An April 2008 study from Florida State University found that men who spent time thinking positively about their relationships spent less time looking at pictures of other attractive women. So take a moment to appreciate what you have, like Louise does: “Periodically we get out our honeymoon diary and read it together over a glass of wine—it takes us back to those early romantic days together.” Or, mentally hash out what you don’t like. “If you’re dissatisfied, really think it through,” says Mares. “You may decide that you want the relationship, but only if it changes.” When acted upon, that honesty can be the first step towards a more committed and faithful bond.

6. Slow dance
“Every once in a while, when we feel a little disconnected, we light our wedding candle, put on our wedding song and dance around our dining room—sometimes even in front of the kids!” says Claire*. Physical closeness and looking into each other’s eyes—these things can boost intimacy, communication and desire and thereby reduce the likelihood of looking elsewhere, adds Read.

7. Give each other some space
It sounds counterintuitive, but having a support system outside of your relationship can make it more cheat-proof. “When people are too dependent, they expect more than one person can give and they quarrel,” explains Mares.

8. Dig deep together
“When the emotional part of a relationship is on a starvation diet, that’s when people start looking around,” says Johnson. Reconnecting requires asking some vulnerable questions about fights that keep reoccurring, what you’re afraid of and what you need most from your partner. As she says in her book: “Love needs attention. Knowing your attachment needs and responding to those of your lover can make a bond last until ‘death us do part.’” So, why not do your part to prevent infidelity and show this article to your partner? You’ve got nothing to lose and plenty of foot rubs to gain.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Baking her way to a glamorous parenthood

For a mother, having a job away from her kids is unquestionably bothersome; thus, it shouldn't be an option as far as possible! See how a glam mom was able to start her own business just to follow what her heart beats for: to be with her kids bake!

A mother's life is filled with wonders, joys, and realized blessings. Seeing her child progress through the years and learn more about life bring incomparable gladness and satisfaction.

These things are few of the reasons why moms opt to stay home and spend time with their kids. Even if it'll cost them their careers and dreams, moms are willing to sacrifice; for being a hands-on mom gives one a chance to properly foster her kid and enjoy parenthood at the same time.

At present, there are only a handful of moms who are all set and willful to do such. Instead of accepting the role of being a housewife, most mothers of today choose to join the bandwagon of career women who are making a name for themselves.

What most moms don't know is that they can still hone their capabilities and earn extra for the family while having the luxury to spend some quality time with their kids at home! There are two best ways to do just that: (1) to have an online work and (2) to start a home-based physical business. Through these two, moms wouldn't have to worry about where to look for additional funds to pay the bills or when they could spend time with the kids!

And this is exactly what Myca Dianne Llanes Origenes, 26, a mother of two, did inorder to follow what her heart tells her: to be with her kids, and to bake!

Quality time with kids is priceless

Myca had dreamt of putting up a catering business.

When she finished high school, she opted to pursue this aspiration by studying professional cooking at the Center for Culinary Arts Manila (Asian School of Hospitality and Arts, ASHA) in Quezon City. Eventually, she graduated and had jobs she really wanted. She became a chef at Richmonde Hotel in Eastwood, Libis, and a commis at the Monaco Suites de Boracay in Boracay Island.

Yes! Myca had jobs she certainly enjoyed, and yes, she was earning enough to support her family. But her delicate heart as a mother was more compelling than what both money and career could give!

Myca shares that when she was still working in Richmonde, she could just be with her kids during her days off. It was her mom who took care of her children: Francesca Louisianna, 8, and Gabrielle Silvynne, 4. Myca's husband, Kavs, coudln't watch their kids as well because he's often out of town for work.

Things got even harder for her when she had a career opporunity in Boracay.

“I couldn't see or hug them (her kids). All I could do is call them after work everyday. It's not that easy especially that they are both young. I always cried at night when I missed them,” she recalls.

Sooner, after weighing things, Myca realized that her kids are more important than anything else—even her career. She finally decided to come back home.

Opportunity at home

With a strong passion towards food and various dishes, Myca didn't stop cooking even when she got home. As a matter of fact, she decided to start some home baking!

“Sometimes I just bake for no particular reason,” she admits.

“It just makes me happy when my kids asked for a piece and love what I made. In fact, my youngest often tells me, “Mommy gawa mo pa kami ni ate marami sobra… Sarap eh.” (Mommy bake more for me and my sister. Because it's so delicious!),” Myca gleefully recounts.

With her continuous baking, her fandom grew even bigger. Some of her relatives, who have tasted her goodies and apparently loved them, like the idea for Myca to start a cake and cupcake business. “I was happy! It definitely boosted my confidence and inspired me to do such! So I approached my husband about it and he smiled,” she explains.

While pastries aren't Myca's specialty (she even thought of them as boring) she says now, it's one of her favorites. Her curiousity about cakes started when she was still connected with Richmonde, while she tried to make different kinds of pastries when she worked in Boracay. “I actually never imagined I will be making one,” Myca confesses.

Without having much to do at home and inasmuch as she needed to support her kids, Myca decided to put up a business backed by her family's support. Thus the birth of Glam Cakes by Myca.

Glam cakes by a glam mom

Around the last quarter of last year, Myca launched her home-based pastry shop after considering her target market and of course, her capital.

At first, Glam Cakes by Myca only offered cupcakes and other sweets. One of Myca's customers, however, encouraged her to bake a cake for her daughter's birthday party. This particular push moved her to start offering more and to step out of her comfort zone!

Accordingly, to serve her growing clients better and to deliver more to their expectations, Myca took up Basic and Advanced Cake Decorating at the Maya Kitchen.
Because she wants to deliver only the best to her clients, Myca studied Basic and Advanced Cake Decorating at the Maya Kitchen
She details that her experience in studying was amazing! “I started to love decorating cakes! After finishing my course, I practiced a lot until it became a passion more than an occupation.”

Myca shares that personally, she values the importance of cakes in any occasion. As she puts it, “cakes are very symbolic from the blowing of candles during birthdays, to the cake slicing during weddings. It’s really the story of the occasion.”

Thus, she sees to it that each cupcake that she bakes, and each cake that she makes and decorates exudes a glamorous appeal and narrates the sweetest, inspirational story. That's the reason why she and her husband came up with Glam Cakes.

Currently, Myca proudly shares that her business keeps on getting better each day. Her clients are continuously growing and her market has expanded. Besides, various event coordinators have tied-up with her.

Myca admits, “There are times that I don't have much sleep because I have to bake and decorate for a whole day. It’s quite exhausting, I know. But I love what I’m doing. And that’s what keeps me going.” She adds that if she got too many orders, her mom and her cousin Alou help her.
Glam Cakes by Myca's logo ♥
Glam Cakes by Myca now offers customized cakes for weddings, christening, birthdays, and other occasions. It also offers cupcakes and other goodies like cookies, cake pops, brownies, cheesecakes and other sweets. But among her products, Myca says her banana cake sells like pancake! “You should try my banana cake! It's one of my best sellers. Definitely goes well with coffee in the morning.”

Enjoying parenthood and baking

Undoubtedly, Myca has made a name for herself—not only in her chosen career, but also in being a mother.

Now that she's managing her own business based at home, Myca doesn't worry anymore about not spending time with her kids and not seeing them grow.

“I'm definitely grateful on how things are right now. Glam Cakes is a blessing that lets me enjoy motherhood and baking at the same time,” she confesses.

Myca now dreams of getting a place for her business someday and of servicing clients who are not only based in Antipolo but also those who are located in nearby cities.

She concludes, “Love, hardwork and preservance. These are three important things that will help you play the roles you want to play—a mother and a baker. Do it because you love it, not just because you're told to.”
Myca with her little darlings, Francesca Louisianna, 8, and Gabrielle Silvynne, 4
For inquiries on her products, feel free to contact glam Myca at GLOBE: 0927-8916886, SMART: 0998-3132961; or send her a message via GlamCakesbyMyca FB Page###

Monday, May 6, 2013

One full plated summer!

I didn't know it's been a month (almost!) since my last entry. Apparently, I've been busy with a lot of things supposing it's the "dog days"—a time of the year when most people have nothing else to do apart from going on a vacation or doing some staycation

Well, actually, we (Kevin, my husband Boya, and I) did some to (one of the reasons why I wasn't able to update this blog prior to this post) :) 

We had our first family beach outing in Zambales. Our dear Kevin had his first taste of the sea! And I couldn't be more proud of him for being so brave and up for the waves! :) 
One happy family: enjoying the sun, sand and beach! :)
But that outing isn't really the highlight of this year's summer. What actually keeps me busy and what makes this season very memorable for me as a first-time parent is Kevin's progress with a lot of things. :) Yes, my baby's growing up so fast! (1) His two front bottom teeth have started to push through his gum line, (2) he's learned how to crawl and (3) he's taking in some solid food now! 

Tell me...don't these things deserve to make this summer full plated?!?! :D
  • Kevin's teething 

It started last April 11 when Kevin had fever. Honestly, I was scared. He had colds too, and my husband was away that time so I was alone dealing with the situation. At first, I didn't know why he was ill. Thank god for Paracetamol Tempra Drops and Kool Fever (for babies), Kevin was already well a day after. 
But our (his and mine) sleepless nights didn't end there. The following evenings were hard for both of us. Kevin was so irritable, so irate that he couldn't nod off. Then, I realized he was teething for he kept on putting his hand/s inside his mouth, trying to bite away the pain in his gums. So I just bear with my baby. Every time he cried because of pain, I gave him his teether to rather ease the pain. And I guess it helped. Now, he's more okay :) I could see his two front bottom teeth peeking through his gums. :) I'm one excited, happy mom!

  • Kevin's crawling

April 24...just before Kevin turned 6 month-old, he was on hands and knees! :) 

It was my husband who witnessed his first crawl. Our baby was trying to reach for Boya's eyeglasses which was placed a little far from where Kevin was. To our amazement, after his first attempt, Kevin did his second lollygag and luckily we caught it on video :) We're really proud of our baby! Now, he crawls most of the time. Hihi

  • Kevin's eating

Today is Kevin's second day to eat solid food! :) 

After we had our routinely check-up with Kevin's pedia last Saturday, we were advised that our baby could already take in some solid food, particularly, mashed veggies, fruits, and baby foods! :) know what happened next! ;)

See how time flies so quickly. Only one summer slipped by, and many things have happened already. This summer is indeed full plated! ♥

Monday, April 8, 2013

Expo Mom 2013: an experience like no other! (a post-event entry)

Expo Mom is the premier lifestyle event for moms in Manila. It is a trade expo, all-day workshop, shopping destination, mommy party, family occasion, mompreneur lab, all rolled into one!

Yesterday (April 7) my husband, Kevin, and I attended the second day of Expo Mom 2013. It was our first official expo as first-time parents. And while it may sound cliche, I'd like to say that it was an experience like no other! :) 
We arrived at Rockwell Tent in Makati City few minutes prior to the start of the event's programme (10 a.m.)! Thus, we were lucky to take a convenient stroll inside the tent and look through the shopping bazaars with ease! :) 

Of course, I was delighted to see various mommy and baby products!!! I didn't even know where to start looking! Or...if I even had enough money to buy things I wanted to take home :P Haha. But, I ended up buying only three important things: (1) a new sling for Kevin, (2) a nursing undershirt, and (3) a couple of cloth diapers.
I bought my new sling and nursing undershirt from the Tiny Tots store :)

While there were other products that I still wanted to buy, like the Mustela cream for my stretch marks, a meal time set and a book set for Kevin, my husband calmly reminded me to purchase only what's necessary. And so I did :) Besides, it wouldn't hurt to be practical these days. 

Anyway, apart from the Tiny Tots store, we likewise visited other booths in the expo which equally presented wonderful products, some of which are:
  • Johnson's Baby Philippines
  • Parteizeit (for party needs)
  • Cupcakes by Sonja
  • 9th Avenue School
  • Bummis and Bambino (cloth diapers)
  • Mustela
  • The Stork Studio

There were, however, two stores that, for me, stood out from the rest because of their unique, practical, and beneficial products; to wit: the Natural Origins and the R-Trevi

The first one offers a baby meal (brown rice porridge for baby) made from 100% organic ingredients. What makes this product interesting is that moms can even add their breastmilk in preparing it. Definitely healthy and practical, isn't it? :) 
Baby Natura Brown Rice Porridge :)
[photo source:]
Meanwhile, the latter store offers a water-proof bedding protector called the Brolly Sheets. This sheet is absorbent up to two liters, quick to change, and comfortable. Brolly Sheets received a silver star from the Practical Parenting and Pregnancy. No doubt useful when time comes! ;)
Brolly Sheets
[photo source:]
Like any other events by moms and for moms, Expo Mom 2013 wasn't just about bazaars and shopping spree. Of course, there were the talks, the most indispensable part of the event, given by experts who are also moms that'd love to share with other mommies the wonders of motherhood. :) 
Jenny Ong of Mama Baby Love and Jen Tan of Next9
on their talk about the "Instinctive Attachment Parenting"
One of the talks we were able to listen to was the one given by Ms. Ong and Ms. Tan. Their talk was about "Instinctive Attachment Parenting". I could still remember what they said: Kapag umiyak ang baby mo siyempre, instict mo na as a mom na buhatin siya. Huwag maniniwala sa sinasabi ng matatanda na sinasanay mo siya sa karga, o sa sayaw. Of course, there are times that babies are bored, or they want to be cuddled. That's just how they are. (not verbatim)

I totally agree with them for I experienced the same with my Kevin. :) This just shows that there's truly the #momtuition, the so-called "mother's instinct" within you—that even if you are young and a first-time parent, you'd know and feel what your baby wants, what your baby needs. Just like what the saying says, "When a baby is born so is a mother".

Altogether, Expo Mom 2013 gave me a new horizon on being a mother. There's more to it that what one sees in a bazaar, or what one hears in a discussion. Simply put, my visit at this event was extraordinary that it gave me empowerment, encouragement, and inspiration to strive more for my little one.♥

To Mommy Mundo, congratulations to yet another successful Expo Mom! :) Special thanks to Ms. Janice, Ms. Angela, and Ms. Rome!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Expo Mom 2013! (a pre-event entry)

Expo Mom is the premier lifestyle event for moms in Manila. It is a trade expo, all-day workshop, shopping destination, mommy party, family occasion, mompreneur lab, all rolled into one!

Nope! It's not just an ordinary for show that counts as a past-time for those who don't know what to do with their time. All the more, it doesn't refer to just another typical exhibition of mediocre Filipino (or even foreign) products that aims to make a scene in the metro. ;)
Expo Mom Year 6! 
Expo Mom 2013: "The Mompreneur Market" is simply a fertile ground where all kinds of moms—either expecting, first-time, or already a mother of four—are welcome to exchange experiences, celebrate motherhood, have fun, and learn new things that could all the more inspire them to be the best!

First launched in 2008, Expo Mom is organized by Mommy Mundo and the Philippine Association for Childbirth Education (PACE). These two organizations are founded by two mommy friends Ms. Janice Crisostomo-Villanueva and Ms. Rome Kanapi. 
Ms. Rome and Ms. Janice
(photo source:
With a simple vision to "become the ultimate trade expo of mom and baby products in Manila", Expo Mom, through the years, has endeavored to deliver the best goods to Filipino homes by inviting Partners who are considered major players in helping parents tender their children.

Composed of interactive exhibits, shopping bazaar, and onstage activities, Expo Mom has been a well-received event since it started the ball rolling. And, for over five years, it has made an impact to millions of moms who dream of giving their children everything that's beyond compare.

In my case as a first-time mom, Expo Mom 2013 will be my first mom-event! Of course, I'm excited! :) I look forward to lots of things which stir up my #momtuition:

  • Special sales for mom and baby products
  • Mom and baby activities
  • Interesting and educational discussions
For more of Expo Mom 2013 event features, click HERE.
For more of Expo Mom 2013 exhibitors info, click HERE.

All mommies mustn't miss this year's bigger and better expo for moms under one roof! :)

WHEN: April 6-7, 2013 (Sat/Sun)

WHERE: Rockwell Tent, Makati City

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Welcoming Kevin into the Christian Fold

 Since I previously wrote that I'm gonna write about my baby's baptism celebration, here it goes :)

Last March 24, Palm Sunday, my husband and I, along with our family and friends, welcomed Kevin into the Christian fold (finally!).

With my husband and Kevin after the baptismal rites :)
As first time parents, we weren't really in the know about how baptism goes and what are the necessary things to take note of. Good thing, there weren't much to consider.

We had Kevin baptized at San Antonio de Padua Parish, and as such, we were only asked to submit a photocopy of the child's birth certificate and pay a baptism fee of PhP 300. 

Accordingly, parents don't have to trouble themselves since baptismal requirements are quite simple. Besides, reservations aren't a precondition! Parents have the luxury to go to the Church the day they want to get the child baptized. :) It's that easy. 

Having mentioned these, I'd say that Kevin's baptism went well! There were only few parents who chose March 24 as their child's baptism date so we were definitely lucky—the Church wasn't too crowded and the rite didn't last too long (except for the seminar that I actually deem was beside the point).  
My husband with Kevin's ninongs :)
With our FAME friends who are now our kumares and kumpares :)
Anyway, after getting Kevin baptized, we directed all our guests to go to Shakey's Pizza Parlor — just few kilometers away from San Antonio — for a little soiree. :) And since we expected around 60 guests, we ordered the Shakey's Monster Meal Deal and just asked the resto's crew to serve it in managed buffet style

All in all, the lunch was okay, considering the amount of food served per plate and the price that went with it. The total expense we paid for the reception, I think, was neither expensive nor cheap. It was just on the average. :) 

Meanwhile, when it comes to Kevin's souvenir, my husband and I decided to have two kinds — one that's edible and one that's not! :P
Here's the edible one—yummy cupcakes by Glam Cakes by Myca! 
We ordered our edible souvenir from my husband's friend, Myca, at an affordable price (of course we got a friendly discount). :) You can check out her other delectable offerings at Glam Cakes by Myca!

This is our inedible party favor, a customized Nike Air Force Rasheed Wallace
with handmade Nike shoe box :)
I definitely love the presentation! :)
For this party favor, we also had a good discount (plus one extra souvenir for free). I'm also very happy of the final output/look of this favor! Credits to Mommy Rhea. :) You can check out her other unique products at Sweetlilsoles Favors FB page

Lastly, the photo booth! Since this is our Kevin's first "party", I wanted it to be memorable while being simple. So, I insisted to have a photo booth in the reception venue. I looked for a cheap one that still offers quality product (considering that there's a corkage fee in Shakey's pegged at PhP 1,500). And luckily, I did find one which only cost us PhP 3,500! Thanks again PhotoMocco, managed by Rameil "Popoy" Reonal.
Simply put, Kevin's Christening was a success, and memorable indeed. :) I thank all our family and friends who shared such occasion with us! Thank you's also go to our suppliers who nicely granted our simple requests. :)

To our dear Kevin, once again, we welcome you into the Christian World! ♥