Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Art of Sucking

Sucking (intransitive verb) : to draw something in by or as if by exerting a suction force; especially: to draw milk from a breast or udder with the mouth.
Whether for pleasure or not, sucking is indeed an art!

While it implies a lot of things, sucking isn't a meager thing for babies. In fact,  for them it's the source of their lifeblood.

Various advertisements in all media forms claim how much beneficial breastfeeding is for babies, and for moms as well! :) They have joined the bandwagon of doctors who fully support breastfeeding and breast-milk. In my case, my OB-gyne (apart from my mom) advised me to breastfeed my baby. Did I take her advice? Yes I did. And I'm happy about it!

Kevin, preoccupied with his fave art :)
It has been 3 months since Kevin started sucking milk from my breasts. Though at first breastfeeding him was like hell (it was just SO painful especially those days when my breasts weren't producing milk yet), I endured it and eventually felt okay. The thought that my son's gonna be healthier helped me go through the discomfort. you can see, Kevin has never been so handsome and healthy! And breastfeeding him now is just a breeze!

At night, I no longer find it difficult to put him to sleep. All I have to do is face him (both of us lying down) and give him his milk. Just that easy! I do the same when he wakes up in the middle of the night. No hassle in standing up and preparing milk for him (for bottle feeding).

So apparently, doing this art doesn't only benefit the little ones. Mothers likewise receive equal amount of favor. (For more information about the benefits moms could get from breastfeeding, click HERE.)

Personally, there are two things I love the most in breastfeeding my son (other than the health benefits), to wit:
  • convenient (no bottles to wash or sterilize, no hassle in preparing the milk)
  • economical (no need to buy expensive milk formulas)
But, are there setbacks? 

Hmm...I can barely think of any apart from he's nibbling my nipples. *OUCH! But here's something catchy...ever since I started breastfeeding Kevin, he started NOT to like bottles or pacifier! Even if my milk is in the bottle, he doesn't want to drink it. *SIGH! Does this mean I have to breastfeed him till he's already 1 or 2 years old? Oh no! :( The teeth....

Then again, "Breastmilk is still best for babies up to two years." ;) And...admittedly, I take pleasure from thinking how sucking came to be. How moms are capable of producing such healthy milk for babies to suck!, which in itself is an art, really is AMAZING!

P.S. "The Art of Sucking" is concocted by my husband during our conversation about our son. Such discussion inspired me to do this account. :)

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